Casino Cheating Devices

The devices used to cheat in casinos vary from simple techniques like lighter wands to more advanced technology that could even read cards. Certain devices are so sophisticated that they may even be used in Apple’s annual launch. Certain fraudsters like Tommy Glenn Carmichael get away from the law for a long period of time,Read more ⟶

Gambling Cheating Devices

In the past decade, there have been several large-scale scams in the casino industry which involved cameras. But, the crooks have mostly avoided being captured because the technology is comparatively simple to learn and buy. The latest gambling cheating devices can be purchased from shops located in Guangzhou which is the capital of the worldRead more ⟶

Marked Bicycle Cards For Cheating Playing Cards Contact Lens

The Bicycle plastic cards we offer can be marked with invisible ink and appear completely normal to the naked eye. Only poker glasses or infrared glasses can detect the markings. Invisible ink cards are utilized by magicians as well as poker gamblers to make money in betting games. The reverse of the card could beRead more ⟶

Marked Playing Cards For Sale

Marked playing cards are cards with subtle markings that assist card cheats and magicians discern a card’s suit as well as number. They are available in three principal types: magic trick cards with contact lens markings and barcode scanner-marked cards. Certain methods of marking cards require block-out or adding or removing parts of the backRead more ⟶